The service offer of the European Hemp Hub

Our cooperative universe

Support for the creation and implementation of collective projects

Identification and implementation of demonstrating projects in work-spaces dedicated to the co-construction of your collective projects.

Support for your cross-sectoral projects through innovative and transversal working methods and through a pool of experts who act in support of the contracting authorities.

Spaces for exchanges and inspiration

Innovation circles dedicated to your questions about the use of hemp in your products or to the solutions you can provide. These circles allow for meetings, sharings, mutual knowledge, collective ideation and the emergence of common opportunities.

Permanent cooperative-watch designed to create the conditions for the development of your hemp-based solutions within a dedicated strategic and prospective committee. This committee brings together members of the European Hemp Hub and external personalities from the academic, economic and political spheres in order to analyze the major economic and societal trends.

Collective moments of inspiration and resourcefulness to learn to cooperate better, understand the complexity of the hemp ecosystem and maintain the audacity to experiment and innovate.

Training, awareness and promotion

Training, awareness-raising and support activities for the use of hemp for farmers, public actors and all professionals.

Organization of a biennial international event dedicated to the evolution of hemp markets in Europe and the world.

Listing of your hemp activities and promotion of your products to professionals, contracting authorities and the general public.

Support for the structuration of territorial ecosystems

Individualized support for the development of hemp-related activities in your territory thanks to the expertise of members and partners. The European Hemp Hub proposes structuring projects adapted to the strengths and weaknesses of each territory to revitalize local industrial fabrics and meet the challenges of agricultural, economic, environmental and societal transition.

Organization of cross-learning visits, including several aspects of the hemp ecosystem, to introduce you to global approaches implemented in other territories. The European Hemp Hub offers preparation and capitalization times around these visits.

© La Chanvrière

A place where the overall ecological and economic dimension of hemp is taken into account

Solid and diversified expertise across all hemp value chains, from the agricultural upstream to all its application markets.

An ecosystemic cooperation between the different actors of the hemp sectors.

An environment of trust, innovation and value sharing

Transversality and sectoral and territorial openness

European Hemp Hub logo

Benefit from our services

The European Hemp Hub is a cooperative company that leads projects and offers services.

I benefit from a service from the European Hemp Hub.

I go further and support the ambition and societal promise of the European Hemp Pole by becoming a member.

Support for the creation and implementation of collective projectsXX
(special price)
Individualized support around the development of hemp-related activities in your territoryXX
(special price)
Cross-learning visitsXX
(special price)
Groups hosting and information sessions on hemp and its applications marketsXX
(special price)
Preferential access and prices for the World Hemp Forum and other eventsX
Access to thematic work and governance spaces of the European Hemp HubX
Access to the strategic and prospective committee and participation in a cooperative-watchX
Listing and promotion of your events and hemp productsX
Priority listing of your organization on the European Hemp Hub websiteX
Reception of the monthly newsletter about the activities of the European Hemp HubX
Access to spaces for exchanges, mutual inspiration, and cooperative resource mobilizationX
“Participation in specific events upon requestX